Sludj Games

Sludj Games
Based in Lancashire, England
Founding date:
December, 2015
Website: /
Press / Business Contact:
Sludj Games represents a tea-loving Englishman's burning desire to create things that makes people happy in one way or another.
Jamie Coles is really rather fond of games; he always has been. He even went to university for a while to learn how to make them. However, when a non-game business opportunity landed in his lap, he put all that on the back-burner in order to concentrate on things that could generally be referred to as "sensible" and "not particularly exciting".
Fast-forward 10 or so years, and he eventually decided it was time to return to his passion. Much re-educating and many not-so-amazing prototypes later, Sludj Games was born, and information about the debut game, Wrongworld, began to sneak on to the internet.
Game Information
Crash-landed on a surreal, low-poly world filled with freakish inhabitants, choose between permadeath and non-permadeath modes and embark on an epic (and ridiculous) survival adventure. Will you manage to stay alive as you unravel the mysteries of Wrongworld and search for a way home?
Key Features
STRIVE TO SURVIVE - Thrown in at the deep end, you'll have to figure out the world for yourself, while hopefully not dying in the process. But you probably will. That's okay, though - just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try to learn from your fatal experience. And with a choice of permadeath and non-permadeath modes, you can tweak the difficulty to suit your needs.
BUILD AN EPIC BASE - Gather resources from across the land, craft all kinds of awesome gear, and build yourself an epic new home. From basics like campfires, simple tools and cooked meals all the way to jet packs, magic potions, nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners and maybe even a replacement rocket ship.
SILLINESS APLENTY - It might be a brutal world, but you may as well chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all as you go. Obliterate trees with your forehead, fast travel as a non-human cannonball, and become best friends with a cardboard box.
RANDOMLY GENERATED - The world is completely randomly generated with every new game. And with a bunch of random events to discover/be subjected to, you're likely to face different hurdles every time you play.
Release Date: 11th May 2018 (Early Access 22nd Aug 2017)
Platform: Windows (Mac and Linux to follow)
Wrongworld Launch Trailer
Design concept taken from Rami Ismail & Vlambeer's presskit() software.