About Sludj
// existence loop
while( StuffTokenExpenditure >= StuffTokenHarvesting )
Many years later, Person A came to a clichéd but rewarding realisation: Stuff Tokens were not the most important thing in life; two other abstract concepts were of greater value: time and happiness (also known as "Smiley Face Moments"). Therefore, “job” was abandoned at the earliest opportunity, and short-term time was exchanged for potential long-term happiness. Thus, Sludj Games was born.
Many more years (and several failed prototypes) later, a piece of software was generated which was designed to facilitate the purchase of happiness using the currency of time.
And that brings us to Wrongworld...

Once upon a time, a human male (known as “Person A”) was born in the upper-left bits of England. Eventually, the linear passage of time forced Person A to stop being a baby/toddler/child/teenager and he realised he needed to conform and get a so-called “job”. At the time (circa 1840s), “jobs” provided a way for a human to slowly destroy their own soul in exchange for “Stuff Tokens”. Typically exchanged for foodstuffs and other less-important consumables, “Stuff Tokens” slowly diminished over time due to relentless survival needs, resulting in a never-ending cycle of Stuff Token Harvesting > Stuff Token Expenditure > Soul Destruction > Repeat. ‘Such is life’, he thought, and envisioned his minor existential crisis as a simple while loop: